Sen. Assist. Prof. Kapka Mancheva, PhD | Publications

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Scientific Publications

  1. Mancheva, K., Kossev, A. Hemisphere asymmetry during different levels of co-activation of antagonist muscles: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, in press (accepted 2020)
  2. Mancheva, K., Vukova, T., Atanasov, G., Kossev, A., 2020. Recruitment curves during different types of muscle activity in non-dominant hand: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. International Journal Bioautomation 24(4): 393-402
  3. Mancheva, K., Stephanova, D.I., Wolf, W., Kossev, A., 2018. The effect of co-activation of antagonist muscles on motor cortex excitability: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. International Journal Bioautomation 22 (2): 187-194.
  4. Mancheva, K., Stephanova, D.I., Wolf, W., Kossev, A., 2017. Long-latency intracortical inhibition during unilateral muscle activity. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017: A. Badnjevic (ed.), IFMBE Proceedings 62, CMBEBIH 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering 2017, pp. 333-338.
  5. Mancheva, K., Rollnik, J.D., Wolf, W., Dengler, R., Kossev, A., 2017. Vibration-Induced Kinesthetic Illusions and Corticospinal Excitability Changes. Journal of Motor Behavior 49 (3): 299-305.
  6. Mancheva K., Stephanova, D.I., Wolf, W., Kossev, A., 2016. The effect of co-activation of antagonist muscles on recruitment curve during transcranial magnetic stimulation. Proceedings of 12-th National Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (NMPEC-2016), full text, 172-182.
  7. Mancheva, K., Schrader, C., Christova, L., Dengler, R., Kossev, A.R., 2014. The effect of muscle vibration on short latency intracortical inhibition in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology 114 (10): 2073-2080.
  8. Mancheva, K., Christova, L., Kossev, A., 2013. Effects of muscle activation mode on reaction time. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 66 (11): 1633-1638.
  9. Mancheva, K., Karaivanova, E., Atanasov, G., Stojanovski, S., Nedeva, I., 2009. Analysis of the influence of the host body size on morphometrical characteristics of Ancylodiscoides siluri and Ancylodiscoides vistulensis. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 23 (2): 735-741.

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