In accordance with the concourse for promotion to the academic position “Full Professor” in scientific direction “Biological sciences”, code 4.3. (former code 01.06.08 “Biophysics”), as announced in the Gazette, 37/15.05.20122, with a single participant Assoc. Prof. Emilia Lyubomirova Apostolova, and in accordance with art. 6.9 from the Regulation of the Implementation of the Academic Staff Development Act at IBPhBME-BAS, the reviewers’ reports and opinions of the members of the Scientific Jury are herewith published, together with the abstracts of selected publications by Assoc. Prof. Emilia Apostolova.
- Abstracts of selected publications of Assoc. Prof. Emilia Apostolova (In English, 1850 Kb, PDF)
- Reviewer’s report by Prof. Albena Momchilova (In Bulgarian, 135 Kb, PDF)
- Reviewer’s report by Prof. Diana Petkova (In Bulgarian, 96 Kb, PDF)
- Reviewer’s report by Prof. Liliana Maslenkova (In Bulgarian, 420 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Corr. Member Prof. Andon Kossev (In Bulgarian, 143 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Georgi Petkov (In Bulgarian, 153 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Katya Georgieva (In Bulgarian, 123 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Iana Tsoneva (In Bulgarian, 68 Kb, PDF)
Published: 25 September 2012