Assoc. Prof. Rusina Hazarosova, PhD | Publications

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  1. Hazarosova R, Momchilova A, Koumanov K, Petkova D, Staneva G (2015) Role of Aminophospholipids in the Formation of Lipid Rafts in Model Membranes. J Fluoresc  25:1037–1043
  2. Georgieva R, Chachaty C, Hazarosova R, Tessier C, Nuss P, Momchilova A, Staneva G (2015) Docosahexaenoic acid promotes micron scale liquid-ordered domains. A comparison study of docosahexaenoic versus oleic acid- containing phosphatidylcholine in raft-like mixtures. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1848:1424–1435
  3. Staneva G, Petkova D, Hazarosova R, Georgieva R, Pankov R, Skrobanska R, Momchilova A (2014) Intake of Xylooligosaccharides Alters the Structural Organization of Liver Plasma Membrane Bilayer. Food Biophysics 9:138–144
  4. Stephanova E, Topouzova-Hristova T, Hazarosova R, Moskova V (2008) Halothane-induced alterations in cellular structure and proliferation of A549 cells. Tissue and Cell 40: 397–404
  5. Topouzova-Hristova T, Hazarosova R, Bandreva B, Stephanova E (2007) Halothane does not directly interact with genome DNA of A549 cells. Folia Biologica 53(5):176-182
  6. Pankov R, Markovska T, Hazarosova R, Antonov P, Ivanova L, Momchilova A (2005) Cholesterol distribution in plasma membranes of β1 integrin-expressing and β1 integrin-deficient fibroblasts. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 442:160–168

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