Assoc. Prof. Todor Stoyanov, PhD | Publications

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List of publications

  1. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Continuously Tested and Used QRS Detection Algorithm: Free Access to the MATLAB Code. Int. J. Bioautomation, 23, 1, 2019, ISSN:1314-1902, DOI:10.7546/ijba.2019.23.1.61-70, 61-79. SJR:0.231.
  2. Христов И, Нейчева Т, Стоянов T, Доцински И, Симов Д. Риск маркери на промените в електрокардиограмата при определени физиологични и патологични групи пациенти. Списание на БАН, 4, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2018, ISSN:0007-3989, 12-19.
  3. Христов И, Нейчева Т, Стоянов T, Доцински И, Симов Д. Динамичен ниско-честотен пропускащ филтър за потискане на електромиографски шум в електрокардиограмата. Списание на БАН, 11, 4, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2018, ISSN:0007-3989, 12-13.
  4. Vassilev P., Stoyanov T. On Power Mean Generated Orderings Between Intuitionistic Fuzzy Pairs. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 643, Springer International Publishing AG, 2018, ISBN:978-3-319-66826-0, ISSN:2194-5357, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-66827-7, 476-481.
  5. Krasteva V, Ménétré S, Jekova I, Stoyanov, T, Jost D, Frattini B, Lemoine S, Lemoine F, Thomas V, Didon JP. Comparison of pediatric and adult ECG rhythm analysis by automated external defibrillators during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Computing in Cardiology, 45, IEEE, 2018, ISSN:2325-887X, DOI:10.22489/CinC.2018.159, 1-4. SJR:0.191.
  6. Stefanova-Pavlova M., Andonov, V., Stoyanov T, Angelova M., Cook G., Klein B., Vassilev P, Stefanova E.. Modeling Telehealth Services with Generalized Nets. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 657, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2017, ISBN:978-3-319-41437-9, ISSN:1860-949X, e-ISSN 1860-9503, 279-290. SJR:0.187.
  7. Jekova, I, Stoyanov T, Dotsinsky, I. Arrhythmia Classification via Time and Frequency Domain Analyses of Ventricular and Atrial Contractions. Computing in Cardiology, 44, IEEE, 2017, ISSN:2325-8861, DOI:DOI:10.22489/CinC.2017.345-029, SJR:0.191.
  8. Christov I, Neycheva T, Schmid R, Stoyanov T, Abächerli R. Pseudo real-time low-pass filter in ECG, self-adjustable to the frequency spectra of the waves. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 55, 9, Springer, 2017, ISSN:1741-0444, DOI:10.1007/s11517-017-1625-y, 1579-1588. ISI IF:1.971.
  9. Vassilev P, Stoyanov T. On obtaining intuitionistic fuzzy estimates for similarity of strings. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 22, 3, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2016, ISSN:Print ISSN 1310-4926, Online ISSN 2367-8283, 21-24.
  10. Vassilev P, Stoyanov T. On a new ordering between intuitionistic fuzzy pairs. 8th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics. Sofia (Bulgaria), October 5th – 8th, 2016., 2016, ISBN:978-84-617-5119-8, 77-80.
  11. Neycheva T, Stoyanov T, Krasteva V, Iliev I, Tabakov S, Tsibulko V, Jekova I. High-Resolution Signal Acquisition Module Recording 18-Lead ECG for Person Authentication. Annual Journal of Electronics, 9, Technical University of Sofia, 2015, ISSN:1314-0078, 1-4.
  12. Neycheva T, Stoyanov T, Abacherli R, Christov I. High resolution 16-channel ECG tester simulator for online digital-to-analogue conversion of data from PC. Computing in Cardiology, 40, IEEE, 2013, ISSN:2325-8853, 457-460. SJR:0.234.
  13. Krasteva V, Jekova I, Stoyanov T, Ménétré S, Didon JP. Performance of Heart Rhythm Analysis during Chest Compressions in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Computing in Cardiology, 40, IEEE, 2013, ISSN:2325-8861, 1091-1094. SJR:0.239.
  14. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T, Mudrov Ts. Power-line frequency monitoring using component of the subtraction procedure for ECG processing. Annual Journal of Electronics, 7, Technical University – Sofia, 2013, ISSN:1314-0078, 54-56.
  15. Didon JP, Krasteva V, Ménétré S, Stoyanov T, Jekova I. Shock advisory system with minimal delay triggering after end of chest compressions: Accuracy and gained hands-off time. Resuscitation, 82, Suppl.2, Elsevier, 2011, ISSN:0300-9572, DOI:10.1016/S0300-9572(11)70145-9, S8-S15. SJR:1.736, ISI IF:3.601.
  16. Didon JP, Jekova I, Ménétré S, Stoyanov T, Krasteva V. Combination of Algorithms to Decrease Preshock Pause for Automated External Defibrillators. Circulation, 124, Suppl. 21, American Heart Association, 2011, ISSN:0009-7322, A219. ISI IF:14.739.
  17. Krasteva V, Jekova I, Ménétré S, Stoyanov T, Didon JP. Influence of Analysis Duration on the Accuracy of a Shock Advisory System. Computing in Cardiology, 38, IEEE, 2011, ISSN:2325-8861, 537-540. SJR:0.23.
  18. Мудров Н, Мудров Ц, Доцински И, Костов Ж, Матвеев М, Стоянов Т, Сотирова Л. Еталон за проверка на цифрови електрокардиографи. XX национален научен симпозиум с международно участие “Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2010”, 9-13 септември, 2010, Созопол, България, ТУ-София, 2010, 425-432.
  19. Mudrov Ts, Krasteva V, Jekova I, Mudrov N, Matveev M, Stoyanov T. Device for data collection during cardioversion. Annual Journal of Electronics, 4, 2, Technical University – Sofia, 2010, ISSN:1313-1842, 142-145.
  20. Stoyanov T, Christov I, Jekova I, Krasteva V. Online adaptive filter for mains interference suppression in diagnostic electrocardiographs: Cases of amplitude and frequency deviation. Annual Journal of Electronics, 4, 2, Technical University – Sofia, 2010, ISSN:1314-0078, 150-153.
  21. Кръстева В, Жекова И, Мудров Н, Стоянов Т. Автоматични външни дефибрилатори. Списание на БАН, 4, Академично издателство “Проф. Марин Дринов”, 2009, ISSN:0007-3989, 13-17.
  22. Krasteva V, Jekova I, Ménétré S, Stoyanov T, Dotsinsky I, Didon JP. A new VF detection method during Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation that minimizes hands-off time. Circulation, 120, 18, American Heart Association, 2009, ISSN:0009-7322, S640. ISI IF:14.816.
  23. Krasteva V, Jekova I, Stoyanov T, Didon JP. Hands-off intervals during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: duration and effect on the ECG analysis. Int. J. Bioautomation, 13, 4, 2009, ISSN:1312–451X, 29-38.
  24. Jekova I, Krasteva V, Ménétré S, Stoyanov T, Christov I, Fleischhackl R, Schmid J-J, Didon J-P. Bench study of the accuracy of a commercial AED arrhythmia analysis algorithm in the presence of electromagnetic interference. Physiological Measurement, 30, IOP Publishing, 2009, ISSN:0967-3334, DOI:10.1088/0967-3334/30/7/012, 695-705. SJR:0.67, ISI IF:1.43.
  25. Christov I, Jekova I, Krasteva V, Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Rhythm analysis by heartbeat classification in the electrocardiogram. International Journal Bioautomation, 13, 2, 2009, ISSN:1312–451X, 84-96.
  26. Доцински И, Кръстева В, Жекова И, Христов И, Стоянов Т. Разпознаване на екстрасистоли в електрокардиограмата: обзор на методи и алгоритми, приложими в квазиреално време. Автоматика и Информатика, 4, Съюз по автоматика и информатика “Джон Атанасов”, 2008, ISSN:0861-7562, 25-30.
  27. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Power-line Interference Removal from ECG in Case of Power-line Frequency Variations. Int. J. Bioautomation, 10, 2008, ISSN:1312–451X, 88-96.
  28. Neycheva T, Stoyanov T. High-resolution front-end for ECG signal processing. Proc. 16-th Internat. Sci. Conf. “Electronics’2007”, 2007, 2, Technical University – Sofia, 2007, ISSN:1313-1842, 61-66.
  29. Matveev M, Naydenov S, Krasteva V, Mudrov N, Stoyanov T. Assessment of the infarct size from high-resolution ECG computer-based system. Proc. 14-th Internat. Sci. Conf. “Electronics’2005”, 2005, 4, Technical University – Sofia, 2005, ISBN:954-438-520-7, 55-60.
  30. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Power-line interference cancellation in ECG signals. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology, 39, 2, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 2005, ISSN:0899-8205, 155-162. SJR:0.114.
  31. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Ventricular beat detection in single channel electrocardiograms. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 3, 1, BioMed Central, 2004, ISSN:1475-925X, DOI:10.1186/1475-925X-3-3, 1-9. SJR:0.427.
  32. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Optimization of bi-directional digital filtering for drift suppression in electrocardiogram signals. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 28, 4, Taylor & Francis, 2004, ISSN:0309-1902, DOI:10.1080/03091900410001675996, 178-180. SJR:0.29.
  33. Jekova I, Stoyanov T. Measurement of the electrocardiogram parameters. Implementation in classification systems. Proc. 12-th Internat. Sci. Conf. “Electronics’2003”, 2003, Technical University – Sofia, 2003, ISBN:954-438-374-3, 31-36.
  34. Stoyanov T, Mudrov N, Christov I, Dotsinsky I. ECG computer-based system. Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), 2002, 1-2, Bulgarian Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC), 2002, ISSN:0861-4717, 3-9.
  35. Dotsinsky I, Stoyanov T. Cancellation of the power-line interference: Effect of its amplitude and frequency variations on the residual contamination of the ECG signal. Proc. 11-th Internat. Sci. Conf. “Electronics’2002”, 1, 2002, Technical University – Sofia, 2002, ISBN:954-438-326-3, 65-70.
  36. Christov I, Stoyanov T. Steep slope method for real time QRS detection. Electrotechnica & Electronica (Е+Е), 2002, 1-2, Bulgarian Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC), 2002, ISSN:0861-4717, 13-17.

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