Researcher from IBPhBME was honoured with the “Engineering Sciences” Award of the Concourse of Excellent Research Achievements of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria. Assoc. Prof. Olympia Roeva from the “Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modelling” Department of the Institute was awarded by the USB President, Acad. Damyan Damyanov, with a diploma and рrize for her scientific and applied research achievements in the area of application of Artificial Intelligence methods for the mathematical modelling, control and optimization of complex processes.
The awarding ceremony took place on October 31st, 2014, in the Meeting Hall of the Central Administration of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, during the official meeting, dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, and the Day of National Enlightenment Figures, November 1st.
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Assoc. Prof. Olympia Roeva with Corr. Member Andon Kossev, Director of IBPhBME, and Corr. Member Krassimir Atanassov, Head of the"Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modelling" Department
For her participation in the Concourse of USB, Assoc. Prof. Roeva presented 14 research works, including a monograph, a book chapter in an InTech book edited by her, four book chapters in Springer and De Gruyter books with SJR factor, three papers in research journals with impact factor, one paper in a journal with SJR factor, one paper in a IEEE conference proceeding and three papers in Scopus refereed journals. Ten of these publications have been cited with 38 citations, 28 of which come from foreign authors in renowned journals and series with impact factor and SJR factor.