Sen. Assist. Prof. Kamelia Hristova-Panusheva, PhD | CV

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  • 2011: Ph.D. in biophysics, Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2003 – 2005: M.S. in  Cell Biology and Pathology, Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology,
  • 1999 – 2003: BSc in Biology, Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology

Work experience

  • 2012 – currently: Senior Assistant Professor, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical engineering, department “Electro-induced and Adhesive Properties”
  • 2010 – 2012: Research Assistant, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical engineering, department “Electro-induced and Adhesive Properties”
  • 2005: Research Assistant, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics,
    department “Cell Adhesion”
  • 2005: Research Assistant, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biology and Immunology of the Reproduction, department, “Immunology of the reproduction”

International experience

  • 2007: Participation in Project based personnel exchange program with BULGARIA.
    Cooperation between Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (MLU) and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biophysics (BAS)
  • 2009: Guest Scientist in Institute for Bioingeneering of Catalunya (IBEC), Barcelona, Spain

Language skills

  • Bulgarian – native
  • English – fluent
  • Russian – fluent
  • Spanish – basic


  1. “Development and characterization of nano-structured biomimetic surfaces as culture substrata for osteoblasts, DAAD-Project Project №: DAAD-15-2006, 2007-2009
  2. “Nanocomposites: new materials as bone implants” Research Project with National Research Council, Project № TK-X-1708/07, 2007-2010
  3. “Implementation and use of new methods and approaches in the training of young researchers in the field of biophysics in order to increase their competitiveness and skills in applied fields such as agriculture, ecology and medicine”, Project with Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, under Operative Program “Human Resourse Development, 2009-2011″
  4. “New three dimensional nanocomposites for bone tissue engineering” Research Project with the National Research Concil of Bulgaria, Project № DVU_10_0024, 2010-2013
  5. “Role of substratum elasticity in osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells” Research Project with National Research Council, project №:DFNI_B01_18/28.11.2012

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