Scientific Publications
- Mancheva, K., Kossev, A. Hemisphere asymmetry during different levels of co-activation of antagonist muscles: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, in press (accepted 2020)
- Mancheva, K., Vukova, T., Atanasov, G., Kossev, A., 2020. Recruitment curves during different types of muscle activity in non-dominant hand: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. International Journal Bioautomation 24(4): 393-402
- Mancheva, K., Stephanova, D.I., Wolf, W., Kossev, A., 2018. The effect of co-activation of antagonist muscles on motor cortex excitability: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. International Journal Bioautomation 22 (2): 187-194.
- Mancheva, K., Stephanova, D.I., Wolf, W., Kossev, A., 2017. Long-latency intracortical inhibition during unilateral muscle activity. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017: A. Badnjevic (ed.), IFMBE Proceedings 62, CMBEBIH 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering 2017, pp. 333-338.
- Mancheva, K., Rollnik, J.D., Wolf, W., Dengler, R., Kossev, A., 2017. Vibration-Induced Kinesthetic Illusions and Corticospinal Excitability Changes. Journal of Motor Behavior 49 (3): 299-305.
- Mancheva K., Stephanova, D.I., Wolf, W., Kossev, A., 2016. The effect of co-activation of antagonist muscles on recruitment curve during transcranial magnetic stimulation. Proceedings of 12-th National Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (NMPEC-2016), full text, 172-182.
- Mancheva, K., Schrader, C., Christova, L., Dengler, R., Kossev, A.R., 2014. The effect of muscle vibration on short latency intracortical inhibition in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology 114 (10): 2073-2080.
- Mancheva, K., Christova, L., Kossev, A., 2013. Effects of muscle activation mode on reaction time. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 66 (11): 1633-1638.
- Mancheva, K., Karaivanova, E., Atanasov, G., Stojanovski, S., Nedeva, I., 2009. Analysis of the influence of the host body size on morphometrical characteristics of Ancylodiscoides siluri and Ancylodiscoides vistulensis. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 23 (2): 735-741.