In accordance with the competition for the academic position of “Associate Professor” in 4. “Natural sciences, mathematics and informatics”, professional field 4.6. “Informatics and Computer Sciences”, scientific specialty “Informatics”, as announced in the State Gazette, issue 26 from 01.04.2022, and in accordance with art. 27 from the Act for the Development of the Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Regulations for its implementation at IBPhBME-BAS, the reviews and opinions of the members of the Scientific Jury are herewith published, together with the abstracts of the selected publications by Sen. Assist. Prof. Simeon Aleksandrov Ribagin, PhD.
- Abstracts of the selected publications by Sen. Assist. Prof. Simeon Ribagin, PhD (in Bulgarian, 637 Kb, PDF)
- Abstracts of the selected publications by Sen. Assist. Prof. Simeon Ribagin, PhD (in English, 472 Kb, PDF)
- Review by Prof. Daniela Borissova, DSc (in Bulgarian, 1387 Kb, PDF)
- Review by Prof. Daniela Borissova, DSc (in English, 1381 Kb, PDF)
- Review by Assoc. Prof. Veselina Bureva, PhD (in Bulgarian, 973 Kb, PDF)
- Review by Assoc. Prof. Veselina Bureva, PhD (in English, 903 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Corr. Mem. Lyubka Doukovska (in Bulgarian, 810 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Corr. Mem. Lyubka Doukovska (in English, 747 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Olympia Roeva, PhD (in Bulgarian, 702 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Olympia Roeva, PhD (in English, 443 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Tania Pencheva, PhD (in Bulgarian, 983 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Tania Pencheva, PhD (in English, 1037 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Nora Angelova, PhD (in Bulgarian, 751 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Nora Angelova, PhD (in English, 751 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Peter Vassilev, PhD (in Bulgarian, 763 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Peter Vassilev, PhD (in English, 714 Kb, PDF)
Published: 12 July, 2022