The defense of the dissertation thesis of Viktoria Nikolaeva Pehlivanova, PhD student in the “Electroinduced and Adhesive Properties” Department, titled “Influence of electrical pulses and anti-tumor agents on the adhesive behavior of cancer and somatic cells” with scientific supervisor Prof. Iana Tsoneva and scientific consultant консултант доц. д-р Румяна Цонева, will take place on 29 April 2013, 2 PM, in the Meeting hall of the Institute of Plants Physiology and Genetics, BAS, located at “Acad. G. Bonchev” Str., Bl. 21, Sofia.
The materials about the defense are available in the office of the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, BAS, located at “Acad. G. Bonchev” Str., Bl. 105, Sofia.
- Synopsis by Viktoria Nikolaeva Pehlivanova (In Bulgarian, 1.2 Mb, PDF)
- Referee report by Prtof. Albena Momtchilova (In Bulgarian, 123 Kb, PDF)
- Referee report by Prof. Reneta Toshkova (In Bulgarian, 142 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Prof. Evdokia Pasheva (In Bulgarian, 179 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Rumiana Tzoneva (In Bulgarian, 178 Kb, PDF)
- Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Victoria Vitkova (In Bulgarian, 145 Kb, PDF)
Published: 11 April 2013.