LIGHT for LIFE 2023

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LIGHT for LIFE Seminar Series — 16th May 2023
Light-Based Processes and Technologies for a Sustainable Future

Sunlight is a fundamental source of energy for Earth. Light shapes our environment, perception and mood. The seminar “Light-based processes and technologies for а sustainable future” aims at presenting various aspects of utilization of light energy properties for improvements in biotechnology, medicine and nanotechnology, as well as innovative approaches for the use of electromagnetic energy (spanning beyond the visible light) in various aspects of our lives.

We hope to bring together Bulgarian scientists working in the fields of:

  • Light-induced biological processes
  • Light sources in life sciences, biomedicine and nanotechnology
  • Advanced communication and optical technologies.

Presentations of recent advancements, current opinions and hypotheses on the selected topics are welcome! Let’s enjoy fruitful discussions and establish new collaborations!

The Seminar is dedicated to the International Day of Light.

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