Prof. Sashka Krumova, PhD | Publications

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List of selected research publications (2020-2024)

(Full list is available at:

  1. Sashka Krumova, Svetozar Stoichev, Daniel Ilkov, Velichka Strijkova, Vesela Kartova, Ana Crespo, José Álvarez, Elvira Martínez, Sagrario Martínez-Ramírez, Tsonko Tsonev, Petar Petrov, Violeta Velikova. Pea seed priming with Pluronic P85-grafted single-walled carbon nanotubes affects photosynthetic gas exchange but not photosynthetic light reactions. Int. J. Mol. Sci., in press
  2. Komsa-Penkova R., Krumova S., Langari A., Giosheva I., Gartcheva L., Danailova A., Topalova L., Stoyanova T., Strijkova V., Savov A., Todinova S.. Blood Plasma Calorimetric Profiles of Women withPreeclampsia: Effect of Oxidative Stress. Antioxidants, 12, 5, MDPI, 2023, DOI:
  3. Dinarelli S., Longo G., Taneva S.G., Todinova S., Krumova S., Girasole M.. Surprising Structural and Functional Properties of Favism Erythrocytes Are Linked to Special Metabolic Regulation: A Cell Aging Study. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24, 2023
  4. Petrova S., Mazhdrakova N., Todinova S., Strijkova V., Zhiponova M., Krumova S.. Nepeta nuda L. Plant Extract Preserves the Morphology of Red Blood Cells Subjected to Oxidative Stress. Med. Sci. Forum, 21, 1, MDPI, 2023, 35
  5. Petrova N., Todinova S., Petrov P., Velikova V., Krumova S. Foliar application of Pluronic P85‑grafted single‑walled carbon nanotubes induces thylakoid membrane structural remodeling. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2023, 45, 12, 133., JCR-IF (Web of Science):2.6
  6. Krumova, S., Petrova, A., Petrova, N., Stoichev, S., Ilkov, D., Tsonev, T., Petrov, P., Koleva, D., Velikova V.. Seed Priming with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Grafted with Pluronic P85 Preserves the Functional and Structural Characteristics of Pea Plants. Nanomaterials, 13, MDPI, 2023, DOI: nano13081332, 1332
  7. Krumova S., Petrova A., Koleva D., Petrova S., Stoichev S., Petrova N., Tsonev T., Petrov P., Velikova V.. Priming of Pisum sativum seeds with stabilized Pluronic P85 nanomicelles: effects on seedling development and photosynthetic function. PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 61 (SI), 2023, DOI:10.32615/ps.2023.033, 28-36
  8. Giosheva I, Strijkova V, Komsa-Penkova R, Krumova S, Langari A, Danailova A, Taneva SG, Stoyanova T, Topalova L, Gartchev E, Georgieva G, Todinova S. Membrane Lesions and Reduced Life Span of Red Blood Cells in Preeclampsia as Evidenced by Atomic Force Microscopy. Int J Mol Sci., 24, 8, MDPI, 2023, DOI:
  9. Danailova A., Todinova S., Gartcheva L., Bogdanova D., Zlatareva E., Kalaydzhiev N., Milanov I., Krumova S., Taneva S.G.. Thermodynamic Signatures of Blood Plasma Proteome in Neurodegenerative Pathologies. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24, 2023
  10. Komsa-Penkova R., Danailova A., Krumova S., Georgieva G., Giosheva I., Gartcheva L., Iliev I., Gartchev E., Kercheva K., Savov A., Todinova S.. Altered Thermal Behavior of Blood Plasma Proteome Related to Inflammatory Cytokines in Early Pregnancy Loss. Int J Mol Sci., 23, 15, MDPI, 2022, DOI:doi: 10.3390/ijms23158764
  11. Strijkova-Kenderova V., Todinova S., Andreeva T., Bogdanova D., Langari A., Danailova A., Krumova S., Zlatareva E., Kalaydziev N., Milanova I., Taneva S.G.. Morphometry and stiffness of red blood cells – signatures of neurodegenerative diseases and aging. Int. J. Biological Macromolecules, 23, 1, MDPI, 2022, DOI:10.3390/ijms23010227, 227
  12. Langari, Ariana, Strijkova, Velichka, Komsa-Penkova, Regina, Danailova, Avgustina, Krumova, Sashka, Taneva, Stefka G., Giosheva, Ina, Gartchev, Emil, Kercheva, Kamelia, Savov, Alexey, Todinova, Svetla. Morphometric and Nanomechanical Features of Erythrocytes Characteristic of Early Pregnancy Loss. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 9, MDPI, 2022, ISSN:1661-6596, DOI:10.3390/ijms23094512
  13. Krumova S., Todinova S., Taneva S. G.. Calorimetric Markers for Detection and Monitoring of Multiple Myeloma. Cancers (Basel)., 14, 16, MDPI, 2022, DOI:, 3884
  14. Velikova V., Petrova N., Kovács L., Petrova A., Koleva D., Tsonev T., Taneva S., Petrov P., Krumova S.. Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Modify Leaf Micromorphology, Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Photosynthetic Activity of Pea Plants. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 9, MDPI, Switzerland, 2021, DOI:doi: 10.3390/ijms22094878, 4878
  15. Todinova S., Krumova S., Bogdanova D., Danailova A., Zlatareva E., Kalaydzhiev N., Langari A., Milanov I., Taneva S. G.. Red Blood Cells’ Thermodynamic Behavior in Neurodegenerative Pathologies and Aging. Biomolecules, 11, MDPI, 2021, DOI:
  16. Taneva, S.G., Krumova, S., Bogár, F., Kincses, A., Stoichev, S., Todinova, S. J., Danailova, A., Horvath, J., Násztor, Z., Kelemen, L., Dér, A.. Insights into graphene oxide interaction with human serum albumin in isolated state and in blood plasma. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 175, Elsevier, 2021, ISSN:01418130, DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.01.151, 19-29
  17. Petrova N., Paunov M., Petrov P., Velikova V., Goltsev V., Krumova S.. Polymer-Modified Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Affect Photosystem II Photochemistry, Intersystem Electron Transport Carriers and Photosystem I End Acceptors in Pea Plants. Molecules, 26, MDPI, 2021, DOI:, 5958
  18. Andreeva T., Komsa-Penkova R., Langari A., Krumova S., Golemanov G., Georgieva G.B., Taneva S.G., Giosheva I., Mihaylova N., Tchorbanov A., Todinova S.. Morphometric and Nanomechanical Features of Platelets from Women with Early Pregnancy Loss Provide New Evidence of the Impact of Inherited Thrombophilia. International Journal o f Molecular Sciences, 22, MDPI, 2021, DOI:
  19. Zhiponova, M., Paunov, M., Anev, S., Petrova, N., Krumova, S., Raycheva, A., Goltsev, V., Tzvetkova, N., Taneva, S., Sapunov, K., Chaneva, G.. JIP-test as a tool for early diagnostics of plant growth and flowering upon selected light recipe. Photosynthetica, 58 (SI), 2020, 214-223
  20. Vajravel S., Laczkó-Dobos H., Petrova N., Herman E., Kovács T., Zakar T., Todinova S., Taneva S.G., Kovács L., Gombos L., Tóth T., Krumova S.. Phycobilisome integrity and functionality in lipid unsaturation and xanthophyll mutants in Synechocystis. Photosynthesis Research, 145, 2020, 179-188
  21. Dlouhý, O., Kurasová, I., Karlický, V., Javornik, U., Šket, P., Petrova, N.Z., Krumova, S.B., Plavec, J., Ughy, B., Špunda, V., Garab, G.. Modulation of non-bilayer lipid phases and the structure and functions of thylakoid membranes: effects on the water-soluble enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase. Scientific Reports, 10, 2020, DOI:, 11959
  22. Petrova, N., Paunov, M., Stoichev, S., Todinova, S., Taneva, S.G., Goltsev, V., Krumova, S.. Thylakoid membrane reorganization, induced by growth light intensity, affects the plants susceptibility to drought stress. Photosynthetica, 58 (SI), 2020, ISSN:03003604, DOI:10.32615/ps.2019.165, 184-193
  23. Langari A., Danailova A., Krumova S., Komsa-Penkova R., Golemanov G., Giosheva I., Gartchev E., Taneva S. G., Todinova S.. Aging-related changes in the calorimetric profile of red blood cells from women with miscarriages. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry volume, 142, 2020, 1919-1926
  24. Krumova, S., Balansky, R., Danailova, A., Ganchev, G., Djongov, L., Gartcheva, L., Taneva, S.G., Todinova, S.. Calorimetric assay to follow colorectal cancer development in experimental rat models. Thermochimica Acta, 691, 2020, 178723

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