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Motor Units Model (Twitch Characteristics)
- Lead time
- Contraction time (Tc)
- Half relaxation time (Thr)
- Duration of the twitch (Ttw)
- Maximal force (Fmax)
- Fatigue
Muscle-Joint-Bone Complex
- Muscles: insertion and origin points, force arm, force angle, MUs
- Joints: degrees of freedom, maximal and minimal angles
- Links: mass, inertial moment, length
Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm
- Standard Goals
- Minimal sum of muscle forces
- Minimal motor units activation
- Minimal fatigue
- Minimal joint reaction
- Minimal sum of (Fi/PCSA)^n
- Joint angle
- Genetic Operations
- Motor units activity mutations (add, remove, shift impulse)
- Motor units activity crossover
- Motor units common synchronous mutation
- Muscle activity mutation
- Muscle activity crossover
- Muscle activity common synchronous mutation
- Movement center activity mutation
- Movement center activity crossover
- Performance improvement techniques
- Variable precision
- Estimation points oscillation
- Estimation with moving time frame
Monitoring and report
- Predicted motor unit force
- Predicted muscle force
- Predicted moments of MUs activation
- Goals satisfaction
- Summary
- Divers (joint racation, muscle force arm)
- HTML report wizard