Fourth Youth Scientific Session “BioMedicine and Quality of Life”, 5-6 December 2023 | Deadlines and Requirements

Home | Deadlines and Requirements | Invited Speakers | Programme | Book of Abstracts | Awards | Български

Important Dates

  • 15.11.2023 — Submission of abstracts (presentation or poster)
  • 20.11.2023 — Confirmation of acceptance
  • 25.11.2023 — Conference fee payment
  • 25.11.2023 — Delivery of presentation files / recorded videos / printed posters
  • 25.11.2023 — Registration as listener

Payment Details

  • Account holder: Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
  • IBAN: BG51UNCR96603119902912 (BGN)
  • Bank: UniCredit Bulbank
  • Subject to payment: Participation in BMQL-2023, Name and surname of the participant

Conference fees paid prior to abstract acceptance are not subject to return.

Abstracts Requirements

Abstracts written in English (up to 1 page) will be included in a Book of Abstracts in electronic format, accessible from the Scientific Session’s website. In addition to the text abstract, a graphical abstract or a figure is required.

Abstracts are to be sent by email to:

Presentations Requirements

  • Presentations should be delivered personally by the young researcher in a timeslot of 20 minutes (15 minutes talk, 5 minutes for questions and answers)
  • Working languages: Bulgarian and English. Abstract and presentation slides must be in English. Oral presentation might be in Bulgarian.
  • Recommended screen ratio of presentation slides is 16:9.
  • Instructions for recording the presentations (in Bulgarian)

Participation Fees

Participation with abstract/presentation – PhD students / postdocs / young researchers Participation with abstract/presentation – students Participation as listener
 Speaker certificate
Conference materials
Abstract presentation
Inclusion in the Book of Abstracts
Speaker certificate
Conference materials
Abstract presentation
Inclusion in the Book of Abstracts
 Listener certificate
 Conference materials
 Abstract presentation
Inclusion in the Book of Abstracts
Fee: BGN 150 Fee: BGN 50 Fee: BGN 30

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