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Members of the Project were involved in the organization of the Second International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine – BioInfoMed’2022
- Acad. Chavdar Slavov – General Chair
- Acad. Krassimir Atanassov – Chair of the Program Committee
Data-Driven Models of Living Systems
The aims and results of the project “Creating a prognostic model predicting life expectancy in prostate cancer patients and providing better quality of life after definitive surgical treatment” were presented on a poster during the international conference “Data-Driven Models for Living Systems”, organized by IBPhBME on 8–9 June 2023. Ten top biophysics and experts in medical data analysis and data modelling attended the conference in live and were able to learn about the project from the dedicated poster for the “BioInformatics and Mathematical Modelling” Department of IBPhBME, which is the partnering organization in the project.