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- Roeva O., Vassilev P., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M., InterCriteria Analysis of Genetic Algorithms Performance, Studies of Computational Intelligence, No 655, book Chapter 14, Springer, (accepted).
- Fidanova S., O. Roeva, A. Mucherino, K. Kapanova, InterCriteria Analysis of Ant Algorithm with Environment Change for GPS Surveying Problem, Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, in press
- Roeva O., P. Vassilev, InterCriteria Analysis of Generation Gap Influence on Genetic Algorithms Performance, In: Novel Developments in Uncertainty Representation and Processing, Part V, Vol. 401 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 301-313, 2016.
- Pencheva T., M. Angelova, P. Vassilev, O. Roeva, InterCriteria Analysis Approach to Parameter Identification of a Fermentation Process Model, In: Novel Developments in Uncertainty Representation and Processing, Part V, Vol. 401 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 385-397, 2016.
- Pencheva T., O. Roeva, A. Shannon, Generalized Net Models of Basic Genetic Algorithm Operators, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 332, 2016.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, M. Paprzycki, InterCriteria Analysis of ACO and GA Hybrid Algorithms, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 610, 2016, 107-126.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, M. Paprzycki, Population Size Influence on the Genetic and Ant Algorithms Performance in Case of Cultivation Process Modeling, Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 580, 2015, 107-120.
- Dimitrov D., O. Roeva, Development of Generalized Net for Testing of Different Mathematical Models of E. coli Cultivation Process, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 322, 2015, 657-668.
- Roeva O., Genetic Algorithm and Firefly Algorithm Hybrid Schemes for Cultivation Processes Modelling, In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVII, R. Kowalczyk, A. Fred, F. Joaquim (Eds.), series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 8790, 2014, 196-211, ISBN: 978-3-662-44993-6.
- Roeva O., Ts. Slavov, S. Fidanova, Chapter 7. Population-based vs. Single Point Search Meta-heuristics for a PID Controller Tuning, In: Handbook of Research on Novel Soft Computing Intelligent Algorithms: Theory and Practical Applications, P. Vasant (Ed.), IGI Global, 2014.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, A. Shannon, K. Atanassov, Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 7: Generalized Nets and Genetic Algorithms, Sofia, “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publishing House, 2013.
- Roeva O., Ts. Slavov, A New Hybrid GA-FA Tuning of PID Controller for Glucose Concentration Control, In Recent Advances in Computational Optimization (Fidanova S., Ed.), Studies of Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 470, 2013, 155-168. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-00410-5_9.
- Fidanova S., O. Roeva, M. Ganzha, ACO and GA for Parameter Settings of E. coli Fed-batch Cultivation Model, In: Recent Advances in Computational Optimization (Fidanova S., Ed.), Studies of Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 470, 2013, 51-71. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-00410-5_4.
- Roeva O., Chapter 21. A Comparison of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Cultivation Model Identification, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, ISSN 0929-9629, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 193-201 © De Gruyter 2013.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, Chapter 13. Application of Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization for Modeling of E. coli Cultivation Process, In book “Real-World Application of Genetic Algorithms”, In Tech, 2012, 261-282, ISBN 978-953-51-0146-8.
- Roeva O., Genetic Algorithms for Static Optimisation of Fed-batch Fermentation Processes, Ch. 4, In Contemporary Approaches to Modelling, Optimisation and Control of Biotechnological Processes, St. Tzonkov (Ed.), Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House, Sofia, 2010, 105-134.
- Roeva O., Generalized Nets Model for Functional State Recognition, In Book Series “Challenging Problems of Sciences” – Computer Sciences, 2008, 233-240.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, St. Tzonkov, Generalized Net for Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller, In Book Series “Challenging Problems of Sciences” – Computer Sciences, 2008, 241-247.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, P. Melo-Pinto, A Survey of Generalized Nets Implementation for Modelling in Ecology, Ch. 6, A Survey of Generalized Nets, E. Choy, M. Krawczak, A. Shannon, E. Szmidt (Eds.), Raffles KvB Monograph No. 10, Raffles KvB Institute Pty Ltd, North Sydney, Australia, 2007, ISBN 0-9578457-8-2.
- Roeva O., Improvement of Genetic Algorithm Performance for Identification of Cultivation Process Models, Advanced Topics on Evolutionary Computing, Book Series: Artificial Intelligence Series-WSEAS, 2008, 34-39.
- Pencheva T., O. Roeva, I. Hristozov, Functional State Approach to Fermentation Processes Modelling, Tzonkov S., Hitzmann B. (Eds.), Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2006, ISBN-10: 954-322-170-7, ISBN-13: 978-954-322-170-7.
- Roeva O., Parameter Optimisation of Fermentation Processes Models, Chapter 5, Bioprocess Еngineering, Viesturs U., Tzonkov S. (Eds.), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2006, ISBN 954-323
- Shannon A., O. Roeva, T. Pencheva, K. Atanassov, Generalized Nets Modelling of Biotechnological Processes, “Marin Drinov” Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2004, ISBN 954-322-039-5.
Статии в реферирани в световни бази данни списания
- Georgieva V., N. Angelova, O. Roeva, T. Pencheva, Intercriteria Analysis of Wastewater Treatment Quality, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety, 10, 2016, 365-376.
- Angelova M., O. Roeva, T. Pencheva, InterCriteria Analysis of a Cultivation Process Model Based on the Genetic Algorithm Population Size Influence, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 2015, 21(4), 90-103, ISSN 1310-4926.
- Roeva O., P. Vassilev, M. Angelova, T. Pencheva, InterCriteria Analysis of Parameters Relations in Fermentation Processes Models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9330, 2015, 171-181.
- Ilkova T., O. Roeva, P. Vassilev, M. Petrov, InterCriteria Analysis in Structural and Parameter Identification of L-lysine Production Model, Issues in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Vol. 12, 2015, 39-52
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, S. Tzonkov, B. Hitzmann, Functional State Modelling of Cultivation Processes: Dissolved Oxygen Limitation State, Int. J. Bioautomation, 2015, 19(1), Suppl. 1, S93-S112.
- Ilkova T., M. Petrov, O. Roeva, Carnitine Role in Human Diseases. Pharmaceutical Ways, Optimization and Generalized Net Description, J. of Int. Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technology, 2015, Vol. 9, 585-597.
- Georgieva V., O. Roeva, T. Pencheva, Generalized Net Model of Physics-Chemical Wastewater Treatment, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety, 9, 2015, 468-475.
- Pencheva T., M. Angelova, V. Atanassova, O. Roeva, InterCriteria Analysis of Genetic Algorithm Parameters in Parameter Identification, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 21, 2015, No. 2, 99-110, ISSN 1310-4926.
- Angelova M., O. Roeva, T. Pencheva, InterCriteria Analysis of Crossover and Mutation Rates Relations in Simple Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 5, 419-424, 2015.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, P. Vassilev, P. Gepner, InterCriteria Analysis of a Model Parameters Identification using Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 5, 2015, 501-506.
- Roeva O., A. Michalíková, Intuitionistic fuzzy logic control of metaheuristic algorithms’ parameters via a Generalized net, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 20, 2014, No. 4, 53-58.
- Fidanova S., M. Paprzycki, O. Roeva, Hybrid GA-ACO Algorithm for a Model Parameters Identification Problem, Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), WCO 2014, 2014, IEEE, Poland, 413-420, DOI: 10.15439/2014F373.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, Parameter Identification of an E. coli Cultivation Process Model Using Hybrid Metaheuristics, Int J Metaheuristics, 3(2), 2014, 133-148.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, Functional state modelling approach validation for yeast and bacteria cultivations, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 04/2014, 18(3), 2014, 207-214.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, V. Atanassova, Hybrid ACO-GA for Parameter Identification of an E. coli Cultivation Process Model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8353, 2014, 313-320.
- Roeva O., Genetic Algorithm and Firefly Algorithm Hybrid Schemes for Cultivation Processes Modelling, In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVII, R. Kowalczyk, A. Fred, F. Joaquim (Eds.), series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8790, 2014, Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-44993-6.
- Fidanova S., O. Roeva, Algorithm Parameters Sensitivity of Monte Carlo Algorithm for E. coli Cultivation Process Modeling, Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier, 2014, accepted.
- Slavov Ts., O. Roeva, Multiple Non-linear Model Adaptive Control of Cultivation Process: Control Algorithm Design, Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 67(3), 2014, 411-418.
- Slavov Ts., O. Roeva, Multiple Non-Linear Model Adaptive Control of Cultivation Process: Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Control System, Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 67(4), 2014, 577-584.
- Roeva O., S. Fidanova, Hybrid Bat Algorithm for Parameter Identification of an E. coli Cultivation Process Model, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 27(6), 2013, 4323-4326
- Ilkova T., O. Roeva, M. Petrov, Multiple Objective Optimisation of Batch Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Mixing System, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 27(5), 2013, 4162-4166
- Fidanova S., O. Roeva, Metaheuristic Techniques for Optimization of an E. coli Cultivation Model, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 27(3), 2013, 3870- 3876
- Roeva O., A. Michalíková, Generalized net model of intuitionistic fuzzy logic control of genetic algorithm parameters, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 19(2), 2013, 71-76, ISSN 1310-4926.
- Kosev K., V. Ivanov, A. Ananiev, P. Denev, O. Roeva, Generalized Net Model of Interval Mapping QTL Analysis, Issues in IFSs and GNs, 10, 2013, 136-142. ISBN 978-83-61551-08-9.
- Pencheva T., O. Roeva, V. Atanassova, M. Angelova, Generalized Net Model of lac Operon, Issues in IFSs and GNs, 10, 2013, 183-192. ISBN 978-83-61551-08-9.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, K. Atanassov, Generalized Net of a Genetic Algorithm with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Selection Operator, New Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics, Volume I: Foundations, IBS PAN – SRI PAS, (Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw, 2012, 167-178.
- Roeva O., Ts. Slavov, PID Controller Tuning of Glucose Control using Generalized Nets, New Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics, Volume II: Applications, IBS PAN – SRI PAS, (Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw, 2012, 211-218, ISBN 83-894-7541-3.
- Kosev K., O. Roeva, K. Atanassov, Generalized Net Model Cytokinin/Auxin Interactions for Plant Root Formation, New Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics, Volume II: Applications, IBS PAN – SRI PAS, (Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw, 2012, 91-99.
- Slavov Ts., O. Roeva, Application of Genetic Algorithm to Tuning a PID Controller for Glucose Concentration Control, WSEAS Transaction on Systems, 11(7), 2012, 223-233.
- Roeva O., A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Identification of Bioprocess Models, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer, Germany, 7116, 2012, 247-255.
- Kosev K., O. Roeva, K. Atanassov, Generalized net model of cytokinin-auxin signalling interactions, Recent Advances in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics, Volume II: Applications, IBS PAN – SRI PAS, (Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw, 2011, 93-100.
- Petrov M., T. Ilkova, O. Roeva, Fuzzy-Decision-Making Problems of Fuel Ethanol Production using a Strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 2010 Research Bulletin of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials, 2011, 10-28. ISBN 978-0-9806811-8-5.
- Roeva O., Ts. Slavov, Fed-batch Cultivation Control based on Genetic Algorithm PID Controller Tuning, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 6046, 2011, 289-296.
- Roeva O., Parameter Optimization of Fermentation Processes Models, Journal of International Scientific Publication: Materials, Methods & Technologies, 5(2), 2011, 59-78. ISSN: 1313-2539.
- Roeva O., Feed Rate Profiles Synthesis using Genetic Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 6304, 2010, 281-282. ISSN: 0302-9743.
- Roeva O., T. Trenkova, Cultivation Process Optimization based on Genetic Algorithms, Journal of International Scientific Publication: Materials, Methods & Technologies, 4(2), 2010, 121-136. ISSN: 1313-2539.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, Generalized Net Model of a Multi-population Genetic Algorithm, Issues in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Wydawnictwo WSISiZ, Warszawa, 8, 2010, 91-101. ISBN: 978-83-61551-00-3.
- Roeva O., K. Atanassov, Generalized Net Model of a Modified Genetic Algorithm, Issues in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Wydawnictwo WSISiZ, Warszawa, 7, 2008, 93-99.
- Roeva O. T. Pencheva, St. Tzonkov, Arndt M., B. Hitzmann, Kleist S., Miksch G., Friehs K., Flaschel E. Multiple Model Approach to Modelling of Escherichia coli Fed-batch Cultivation Extracellular Production of a Bacterial Phytase, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, 2007, 10(4), 592-603, ISSN 0717-3458.
- Roeva O., Multipopulation genetic algorithm: A tool for parameter optimization of cultivation processes models, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 4310, 2007, 255-262.
- Nikolova M., T. Pencheva, O. Roeva, Generalized Nets Model of Methanization Process, Issues in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Wydawnictwo WSISiZ, Warszawa, 4, 2007, 95-103.
- Roeva O., A Modified Genetic Algorithm for a Parameter Identification of Fermentation Processes, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 20(1), 2006, 202-209.
- Roeva O., T. Pencheva, Y. Georgieva, B. Hitzmann, S. Tzonkov, Implementation of Functional State Approach for Modelling of Escherichia coli Fed-Batch Cultivation, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 18(3), 2004, 207-214.
- Roeva O., Parameter Estimation of a Monod-type Model based on Genetic Algorithms and Sensitivity Analysis, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 4818, 2008, 601-608.